• on 6th June, 2020

‘Adopt A Cross’: Expression of Interest

Balally Parish would like to offer you an opportunity to ‘adopt’ one of the crosses currently placed on the church wall, as a memorial of one of the Irish people who died as a result of COVID-19, to be kept in your home. The cross would be placed in a basic picture frame with a background picture of the church wall, as it is currently, with approx 2,000 crosses. There may be a low, nomimal cost, purely to defray the costs involved.

Please let us know whether you would be interested in this cross-‘adoption’ via the following, anonymous, web link;


Based on the expressions of interest we will proceed with the proposal or not proceed.

Please share our content in any way you can....


  1. I would love one of the crosses
    AS my Brother in Law died of the Corona Virus 6 weeks ago
    His name was
    Patrick mc Carthy

    1. Thanks Therese, we’ll keep you and Patrick in our prayers.

  2. It was nice to participate in the Sunday Mass today and hear the news from the readings and Gospel. The crosses are a nice way to remember the people who have been taken by the Covid 19. So sad for their families. Let me know how to adopt a cross please. We all hope to get back to our own Church soon. My one is St Boniface in Tooting London.


  3. Anne-Marie Cashman

    Dear Father Peter,
    What a lovely idea!

    We live near the Parish in Belarmine. We would love to adopt one of the crosses in memory of one of those poor people who died recently. We would pass it on to our baby, Lucy. She is 6 months old this week. Her Baptism had to be postponed because of the lock down but soon…..

    We often visited to pray at the Exposition at the Church and I talked to her to explain the crosses. I’m so glad she didnt understand.
    Thank you for all you do.

    Anne Marie

    1. Thanks Anne Marie. May God Bless you and your family. We will have a booking form for these ‘adoptions’ coming soon….

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