About Us

Welcome To Balally Parish

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The Parishioners of Balally built this Church with great effort and generosity. It was finished in 1982. Many of the first Parishioners are still active in the community, and many have gone home to God.

The Church structure is unusual as Churches go, but its building was inspired by the Second Vatican Council. Its layout highlighted the belonging to the family of God. From the tapestry of the Burning Bush (at the very centre behind the Tabernacle) the walls extend like open arms and embrace all who enter and immerse them in the Divine Presence. That Divine Presence is underscored by each of the windows which are dedicated to the opening verses of the Book of Genesis.

The configuration of the building facilitates the participation of each and every member in the liturgy. No one feels far away or distant from the Altar, and all can be seen. At the middle of the Altar, there is the icon of the Washing Of The Feet inviting all who enter to serve others as Christ has served us.

The ownership of the Parish by the Parishioners has been highlighted through the Parish Pastoral Council, which represents the parishioners in all critical decisions; by the Finance Committee which guarantees the safe administration of the funds of the Parish; by the Board of Management which oversees the use of the Pastoral Centre and by several other teams and groups who ensure the continued operation and vitality of the Christian Community. Besides these groups, many volunteers selflessly contribute to the life of the Parish with their talents, their time and their treasures. Many go unrecognisedmany work in silence and anonymity.

Fr Peter Byrne

This parish is part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin.  The parish is a registered charity Registered Charity Number: 20016166, Parishes Revenue Number CHY7424

Details of the earlier ecclesiastical history of Balally are meagre and hard to come by. It appears that there were at least two churches at different periods. There was a church on the lands of Balally, “Ballywroolef”, mentioned in 1179 during the term of Archbishop Laurence O’Toole. Ruins of a church, marked on the Ordnance Survey as Moreen Cross, can just be traced in the grounds of the Central Bank.

It is documented that King Henry VIII presented the lands of Balally to the Corporation of Dublin in 1539. In 1577 the Corporation leased these lands to Jacques Winfield, Master of the King’s Ordnance on condition that he built a castle on the site. The castle was never completed because of the hostile incursions of the Wicklow clans. Its outline could be traced within living memory at the rear of Balally Terrace.

In 1604 Balally is mentioned with an alias, “Balofryn” (Mass Place?). Later, in 1630, a priest named Fr. Cahill was saying Mass each Sunday in Balally. He was succeeded by Fr. Patrick Gilmore who received his ordination from St. Oliver Plunkett in the countryside near Dundalk.

The Parish of the Church of the Ascension of The Lord, Balally, was constituted in 1977 from Sandyford Parish. It takes its name from the townland of the same name situated in the ancient deanery of Taney. The old Gaelic form is Baile Amhlaoibh – meaning the “town of Olave” indicating Norse ownership before the Anglo-Norman invasion. Balally Parish stretches from the Slang river at Ardglas to the M50 motorway at Sandyford. It comprises Sandyford Road, the housing estates on both sides of it as well as the Sandyford/Stillorgan Industrial Estates. It also takes in the Gort Muire Conference Centre and the estates of College Park, Delbrook Manor and Delbrook Park on the Ballinteer Road.

There are more than 2,200 homes with a population of approximately 9,000 people. The parish is served by two primary (Queen of Angels and St. Olaf’s) and two second level schools (St. Tiernan’s and Wesley College).

The Church of the Ascension of the Lord has served the people of Balally since its opening. Due to financial constraints at the time of opening some items in the church building were not completed until recent years.

With the construction of the Luas project the church received a windfall of funds from the purchase of church lands. This enabled the completion of the church with the insertion of the suspended ceiling and stained glass windows. At this time a new sanctuary was commissioned along with a new altar, ceiling, lighting and baptismal font. As a result of all this construction work the church was re-dedicated by His Grace Archbishop Diarmuid Martin on October 1st 2006.

          Balally Parish Mission Statement

We, the People and Priests of Balally Parish, are committed to:

  • Putting the person of Jesus Christ at the centre of our lives
  • Creating a Christian community that is ecumenical and respectful of other faiths
  • Giving priority to prayer and worship of the Trinity
  • Standing in solidarity with all who feel alienated

We acknowledge that we do not always live up to these commitments.
We promise, however, prompted by the Spirit, to try again and again.

Financial Affairs

All organisations have expenses and need a regular income to operate and to develop. A Parish depends totally on the generosity of its parishioners to provide that income.

Regular expenses such as gas and electricity, maintenance of the church and parochial houses, insurance, lay staff salaries, security, IT, supplies and other facilities must all be paid for from Parish and Diocesan income.

Also, funds are needed for developing the Parish and taking on new challenges to spread the Good News.

The Finance Committee

The role of the Finance Committee is to advise the Parish Priest on all financial matters relating to the Parish and to co-ordinate the work of the various committees involved with fund raising. Members have the satisfaction of putting their business skills to use for the community.

Together with the Parish Priest, the Finance Committee produces the annual parish budget and statement of financial accounts which is published locally as well as submitted to the archdiocese.

Where Does The Money Go?

Monies collected by Balally Parish is either used by the Parish itself or transferred to the Archdiocese of Dublin. The following sections explain where each source of money is distributed to and specifies the activities which each source of money is used for.

Balally Parish Income and Expenditure 2021

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All Balally Parish incomes are used for the maintenance and upkeep of our Church and its Presbyteries.

Balally Parish income is received from the following sources, please click on the title to view details of each income source;

The Family Offering

The Family Offering is the main source of income for the running of the Parish.

The Parish Finance Committee would like to thank most sincerely all the parishioners who so generously support the Family Offering. If you’re already a contributor, please consider how long it is since you reviewed the amount of your contribution and if possible, could you consider increasing it?

We welcomedepend on and appreciate any financial assistance which you can provide.

Family Offerings can be made any of the following means:

  • Family Offering Online Donation (click here)
    • The Online Donation options are:
      • “Donation to Balally Parish” (this is the Family Offering)

      • “Church Lighting Fund” (Balally Parish)

      • Donations may be on a once-off or regular schedule
      • Please create an account with the Dublin Diocese for ease of future donations and for tax relief benefits (see below)

      • Do not log in as a guest donator, which is anonymous and, therefore, cannot be used for tax relief purposes.

  • Cash Contribution (weekly envelope collection)

    • If you would like to make regular cash contributions please contact the Parish Office by phone (01) 2954296 or by email: balallyparish @ gmail.com.

    •  A Family Offering Reference Number will be assigned to you, by the Parish Office, so that your contributions can be summarized for you each year.

  • Standing Order (via your bank)

    • If you wish to donate by Standing Order please download, print and complete this form

    • A Family Offering Reference Number will be assigned by the Parish Office. Please contact by phone or email.

    • You will then need to complete the form and provide it to your bank.

    • Alternatively, you may set up a Standing Order online with your bank using your name and address as a reference and then advise the Parish Office by email or by phone.

      • The Balally Parish bank account details are as follows:

        • IBAN: IE42BOFI90109535932393

        • BIC: BOFIIE2D

        • Account Number: 35932393
        • Sort Code: 901095
        • Bank Address: Bank of Ireland, Main Street, Dundrum, D14 K4A9

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The 400 Club

The 400 Club is a monthly draw where members contribute €10 per month. Half the contribution is given back as prizes and half goes to the running of the parish.

Please contact the Parish Office if you wish to join.

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Donations and Bequests

The Parish receives, from time to time, voluntary donations and bequests. This money is used for the running of the parish.

Voluntary donations can be made through any of the following means:

  • Voluntary Online Donation (click here)
    • The Online Donation options are:
      • “Donation to Balally Parish”

      • Donations may be on a once-off or regular schedule
      • Please create an account with the Dublin Diocese for ease of future donations and for tax relief benefits (see below)

      • Do not log in as a guest donator, which is anonymous and, therefore, cannot be used for tax relief purposes.

  • Via Parish Office

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Offerings for Weddings and Funerals

Voluntary offerings for Weddings and Funerals are used for the running of the parish and may be made through any of the following means:
  • Voluntary Online Donation (click here)
    • The Online Donation options are:
      • “Donation to Balally Parish”

      • Donations may be on a once-off or regular schedule
      • Please create an account with the Dublin Diocese for ease of future donations and for tax relief benefits (see below)

      • Do not log in as a guest donator, which is anonymous and, therefore, cannot be used for tax relief purposes.

  • Via Parish Office

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Offerings for Candles at the Church Shrines

Offerings for candles may be given at the Church candle shrines.

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There  are three modes for the collection of monies, by Balally Parish, which are directly transferred to the Archdiocese of Dublin;

First Collection (Diocesan Common Fund)

The proceeds from this Fund are used to support all the priests of the Diocese, that is the salaries of priests serving in parishes, retired priests and priests that are ill. All these priests are all paid centrally by the Diocese. These monies are collected during Sunday Masses and Masses on Holy Days of Obligation either via the baskets collected during the Mass or through funds contributed using the Tap& GO machines in the church.

Online Donations to the Diocesan COMMON Fund (click here)

  • The Online Donation options are:
    • “Mass Collections (Common Fund and Share)”

    • Donations may be on a once-off or regular schedule
    • Please create an account with the Dublin Diocese for ease of future donations and for tax relief benefits (see below)

    • Do not log in as a guest donator, which is anonymous and, therefore, cannot be used for tax relief purposes.

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Second Collection (Diocesan SHARE Fund)

Monies from the Second Collection (Diocesan SHARE Fund) support the many, central services of the Diocese and also supports parishes, in the Archdiocese, that cannot financially sustain themselves. The supported services include; building maintainance, evangelisation, childrens’ cathecesis, charity operations and lay ministry.  These monies are collected during Sunday Masses and Masses on Holy Days of Obligation either via the baskets collected during the Mass or through funds contributed using the Tap& GO machines in the church.

Online Donations to the Diocesan SHARE Fund (click here)

  • The Online Donation options are:
    • “Mass Collections (Common Fund and Share)”

    • Donations may be on a once-off or regular schedule
    • Please create an account with the Dublin Diocese for ease of future donations and for tax relief benefits (see below)

    • Do not log in as a guest donator, which is anonymous and, therefore, cannot be used for tax relief purposes.

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Christmas, Easter and Summer Dues (Diocesan Common Fund)

Christmas, Easter and Summer Dues: The proceeds from this Fund are used to support all the priests of the Diocese, that is the salaries of priests serving in parishes, retired priests and priests that are ill. All these priests are all paid centrally by the Diocese.  Dedicated envelopes are provided in the Church for these collections during Easter, Christmas and summer periods, each year.

Online Donations to the Diocesan COMMON Fund (click here)

  • The Online Donation options are:
    • “Easter/Christmas/Summer Dues/Offerings”

    • Donations may be on a once-off or regular schedule
    • Please create an account with the Dublin Diocese for ease of future donations and for tax relief benefits (see below)

    • Do not log in as a guest donator, which is anonymous and, therefore, cannot be used for tax relief purposes.

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For details on each of these collections please click on the collection titles above.

All of these funds are centrally administered and distributed by the Archdiocese of Dublin.

How can I make my donations more valuable for the Parish, at no cost to me?

Tax Relief on contributions is an important source of funding for the Parish at no extra cost to the contributor.

When cumulative donations of over €250 are made in one calendar year, a refund of tax is available directly to the Parish. The contributor is simply asked to complete a form (CHY3/CHY4, details below). The €250 figure may include Family Offering, Christmas/Easter Dues and weekend Mass contribution amounts (once the contributor’s name is known).

Balally Parish as an eligible charity can claim tax relief on your donation, provided that it is €250 or more within a calendar year. Tax relief on contributions is an important source of funding for the Parish at no extra cost to the contributor. The relief is calculated by grossing up the donation at the specified rate. The specified rate is currently 31%.

  • Example:

    • A donation of €5 per week is €260 per year.

    • With tax rebate this is worth €376.81 to the Parish.

    • The tax rate is 31%, so €260 is 69% of the total donation.

    • To calculate the relief the total donation is calculated as follows:
      €260/69 x 100 = €376.81

    • The refund amount that can be claimed by the approved body (i.e. Balally Parish) is €116.81

    • Once the contributor has a completed the CHY3 or CHY4 form then the approved body can claim the refund in the following calendar year.

    • If you are eligible for the scheme which applies to Self Assessed and PAYE taxpayers and have not completed a CHY3 or CHY4 form please find a copy attached which can be downloaded, printed, completed and submitted to the Parish Office. You do not need to contact the Revenue Commissioners.

Click here to download CHY3 (Perpetual) Form

Click here to download CHY4 (Year by Year) Form

Contributions which are calculated may include Family Offering, Easter/Christmas Dues and weekend Mass contribution amounts (once traceable to the donor). Note that the 400 Club is not included as this is classified as a lottery.

Online Donations

Online donations systems have been implemented by Dublin Diocese for each parish.

The donate button is at the top of the parish website homepage or can be accessed by clicking here

For Balally Parish to be able to capture your contributions, it is important when you log onto the DONATE button that you use your full name and please do not log in as a guest donator which is anonymous and, therefore, cannot be used for tax relief purposes.

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Family Mass Choir – This is comprised of children from the local parish schools who sing at the Family Mass each Sunday and at special celebrations, such as First Communion and Confirmation. Participation by the Choir enhances the liturgy and helps with the spiritual and musical development of choir members.

Adult Choir – Balally Church Choir sings at the 12.00pm Mass each Sunday between September and June, adding a special dimension to our Sunday worship, providing audible proof that “To worship in song is to pray twice.” It also participates in the main Church celebrations in the course of the liturgical year.

Choir practice is held in the church on Tuesday evenings at 8pm and immediately before the 12.00 pm mass on Sundays.

Parish Primary Schools

Queen of Angels National School

Wedgewood, Sandyford, Dublin 16

Tel: 295 5483




St. Olaf’s National School

Balally Drive, Dundrum, Dublin 16

Tel: 295 6513



Ballinteer Educate Together NS,
C/O St. Tiernan’s Community School,
Dublin 16.

Phone: 01 2902220

Email: info@Ballinteeretns.ie

Post-primary schools in the area

St. Tiernan’s Community School
Parkvale, Sandyford, Dublin 16

Tel: 295 3224



Wesley College
Ballinteer Road, Ballinteer, Dublin 14

Tel: 298 7066



St. Benildus College

Upper Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin.

Tel: 2986539


Weekly Newsletter

The Parish Office produces a weekly newsletter, distributed at Sunday Masses. This newsletter contains the latest news from the Parish, events of local interest and events of spiritual interest. You’ll always be able to view the latest Balally Parish Newsletter, in addition to an archive of our newsletters by clicking here.


Parish Website

A well designed, comprehensive and up to date website is considered to be an essential component of any modern organization and our parish is no different in this regard. Through our website we hope to engage with believers and non-believers locally and worldwide, thereby making the Good News accessible to people who otherwise might not have this opportunity. Also, it is an opportunity to showcase our parish and hopefully encourage people to become members of our worshipping community where feasible or alternatively another church community. Also, it will serve as a conduit for people who want to become more involved in parish organizations and activities.

Please help us to improve our website by completing our brief and confidential online website survey here.

World Communications Day 2018: Pope Francis

Lord, make us instruments of your peace.
Help us to recognise the evil latent in a communication that does not build communion.
Help us to remove the venom from our judgements.
Help us to speak about others as our brothers and sisters.
You are faithful and trustworthy; may our words be seeds of goodness for the world:
where there is shouting, let us practise listening;
where there is confusion, let us inspire harmony;
where there is ambiguity, let us bring clarity;
where there is exclusion, let us offer solidarity;
where there is sensationalism, let us use sobriety;
where there is superficiality, let us raise real questions;
where there is prejudice, let us awaken trust;
where there is hostility, let us bring respect;
where there is falsehood, let us bring truth.

Social Media

Balally Parish is active on social media. You can keep up-to-date with all Parish activities on our Facebook page, in addition to receiving immediate updates when our web-pages are updated.

Please ‘Like’ our Facebook page and help spread the influence of Balally Parish through these new media.


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