Building Hope

A Diocesan Call to Renewal

When Dr. Dermot Farrell became Archbishop of Dublin, he set up a task force with the title “Building Hope” to initiate a process of radical renewal across the Diocese.

The purpose was to consult as many people as possible and to plan for the future with creativity and hope. This was followed by a pastoral letter “Living the hope of Easter” and the initiation of a strategic planning process.

Archbishop Farrell stated his hope when he said:

“The risen Lord always is at work among us, bringing something new to be experienced, embraced and lived”.

Conversations were held in parishes and each parish was given help to look at it’s vision and mission in light of the needs of the archdioceses.

People were acutely aware of the declining number of priests and the urgent need to call lay people to leadership and service in the parishes.

The key areas which were identified for pastoral development were:

    • Building up faith communities.
    • Co-responsibility and servant leadership.
    • A welcome for all.
    • A central focus on social justice

Balally’s Response

Fr. Jim was appointed to the parish of Balally as this process was beginning to unfold and together with Fr. Dermot Lane, he set up the “Balally Building hope group” consisting of:

    • Martina Kavanagh Chair
    • Sarah Lane
    • Mary
    • John Ryan
    • David Healy
    • Jim Caffrey
    • Dermot Lane

They worked hard and well together and proposed a Vision and Mission statement which was presented and accepted at a well attended Parish Assembly on 29th May 2022.

Balally Building Hope
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