In spite of the Summertime there has been a lot going on in the parish.
There was a debrief meeting of many of those involved in the visit of the
American students. It was an extraordinary moment where people from both
parishes shared the good the bad and the interesting from the experience. A
follow up meeting will be held after the ideas have been assimilated and
concrete proposals can be brought forward. So much has happened, so many
‘thank yous’ have to be issued and so much hope has to be channelled.
The webcam has finally been installed and is now broadcasting through the
internet the liturgical services from our church to the world (and the
universe). As we are in a trial period all suggestions and corrections are
deeply appreciated. A letter to the parish about this important advance is
being prepared.
Of course the daily life of the Parish has continued with the Funeral Team
being called upon to offer their most wonderful service, the Thursday Team
enhancing the tradition of Morning Prayer, the Bingo, 400 Club, the Altar
Society and many others working behind the scenes to keep the parish
vibrant and welcoming.