• on 8th July, 2016

From The Pastor's Desk: 7th July 2016

francisco-loved-forgivenA week of obstacles:  As the ceiling in the Church is fixed the faithful had to negotiate their way around the scaffolding to get into Mass. The rosary was said in the prayer room as the Altar Society prepared everything and then there was a procession into the Church at 10.00.

Hopefully this is the final phase of the prolonged history of the leaky roof. The roof seems to have held itself together in the face of the enormous amount of rain that has been delivered upon it this year. This last chapter in the saga of the leakiest roof in the Dublin Diocese appears to be over. As always it must be recognised that many people have helped to get this project finished; from the Finance committee, the Maintenance Team, the Altar society, all the staff and volunteers  in the Parish and last but not least those who so generously contributed to the  Roof Appeal.

There will still be a few minor “jobs” being done around the Parish over the summer…. you will have noticed that something has disappeared from the walls of the Church…

Our Schools have closed for their holidays after a busy and fruitful year. The sixth classes had their graduation Masses in which the Confirmation students played an important role.  Some students have volunteered as readers in the Reader’s club and you may have heard them doing the reading at the 10.00 family Mass. They will resume their ministry in the Autumn.

The “Reader’s Club” wishes to be part of a plan to accompany young people in their faith development within the community. It is focused on young people who have made their confirmation. The coordinators  can be reached at the email arighoa@gmail.com .

Funny … not so funny:  “I need a six month holiday …. twice a year”  (anonymous teacher)

Did you ever hear the like..

“Holidays and vacations can help to balance activity with contemplation, haste with more natural rhythms, noise with the heralding silence of peace.”
St. John Paul II


Here’s what the American Dominicans suggest you do this summer http://www.dominicanajournal.org/11-catholic-things-to-do-this-summer/

And here are a few more suggestions


And closer to home you may wish to keep up to date on what is going on in the Diocese


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