• on 17th November, 2016

The Week That Was @ Balally: 17th November 2016

*Last Sunday was a very important day in our parish life. The 10.00 Mass
saw the commitment of the Queen of Angels confirmation class. This
commitment highlights their year of preparation for the reception of the
sacrament and their awareness of the duties involved.*

*At the 11.30 Mass we had the very touching remembrance of those who died
in the Parish over the last year. Their names were read out as a family
member placed a lighted candle in front of the Altar. The hymns, the
homily, the communion reflection and the Church decoration all contributed
to this solemn liturgy. After the Mass people mingled in the Parish centre,
cared for by the Hospitality team. You can view the names of the deceased
inscribed in beautiful script in the “Book of the Remembered” which has
been left before the altar during the week. *

*For the first time ever the there was a combined meeting of the Parish
Pastoral Council of Balally and the Parish Pastoral Council of Sandyford .
This meeting was focused on the organization of a liturgy to end the Year
of Mercy but it was also a sign of how things will be advanced in the
future. The meeting was very friendly and fruitful.*

*There is a continuous upgrading of the Parish facilities since the roof
was repaired and the ceiling painted. You may have noticed the new plants,
the gardens and many other details. But can you spot a few things that have
gone deliberately missing?*

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