• on 20th December, 2019

From Father Peter’s Desk: 22nd December 2019

“The House of Bread” 

Not a very Christmasy title, let us recognize from the outset. We are more used to the tinsely words that herald in this season. “House of Bread” just doesn’t catch our eye or our ear. It’s not mentioned in any carol or Christmas hymn but that is what Bethlehem means. 

Pope Francis says There God, in the house of bread, is born in a manger. He does not take but gives us to eat; he does not give us a mere thing, but his very self… in Bethlehem, we discover that God does not take life, but gives it.”

Having disobeyed God In the garden of Eden humankind became “greedy and voracious”. This selfishness multiplied itself and even today we have the rich and poor nations, we have a world that ravenously uses the resources of future generations, and even in our own lovely land we are oftentimes shamed by those who have no roof or those who have little joy at Christmas. 

So let us allow ourselves to be spoken to from the “House of Bread”; let the little Child pull at the strings of our hearts and open them wide to those who are coming home, those who are at home or those who have no home. 

God Bless ye all this Christmas!

Happy and Generous Christmas to you all! 

Fr Peter F. Byrne on behalf of Balally Parish Pastoral Council.

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  1. Thank You Father and God bless you!

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