It was *hectic*, it was *beautiful *it was *prayerful*.
This year’s first Holy Communions from Queen of Angels, St. Olaf’s and
Educate Together were *magnificent*.
All the work of the teachers, SNA’s, and school staff, the Do This in
Memory team, Choirs, the Altar Society, the Flower Power team and many
others came together to give the children the very best experience of their
first Eucharist, the deepening of their friendship with Jesus.
The artwork and decoration of the Church contributed to make everything
beautiful for God. After the Mass the Parish offered a lovely meal to the
teachers and those involved in the preparation of the children. It is a
simple way of recognising the work they do and their commitment to
excellent Christian formation.
On Sunday the PPC (Parish Pastoral Council) was present at the end of each
Mass to offer advice and assistance for the Garda vetting process. The
ongoing effort in this field highlights the importance the Parish gives to
the best standards of child protection in our community.
The Parish, like the world, was shocked by the news of the bomb in
Manchester and immediately a book of condolences was opened so that our
solidarity and prayers could be expressed to those that lost loved ones.