Floral Team

The Floral Teams take turns in beautifying the sanctuary area with floral arrangements that are in harmony with the particular liturgical moment of the year.  This involves the members in the selection, acquisition, arrangement and maintenance of the flowers and other decorations, as appropriate to the occasion. The importance attaching to major feasts such as Easter and Christmas and to significant community events such as the celebration of First Communion and Confirmation is reflected in the exuberance of the floral displays.

In Fr. Peter’s words; Everything in our Church tells a story. It speaks to us about God, about our Salvation, our traditions and our own religious culture. Every detail has a meaning. We might take for granted that there are flowers behind or in front of the Altar. They are meant to tell us a story, they are unspoken praise of the Creator and they tell us of love and beauty; the true vocation of the human heart.

There are 2 floral teams in the Church who take it in turn to look after the flowers; they bring the flowers, arrange them and then keep them watered. With great dedication they ensure that the flowers, these silent witnesses, are there to enhance the spiritual experience of visiting our Church.”

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