• on 17th April, 2019

From Fr. Peter’s Desk: 17th April 2019

This Week: Palm Sunday

This Sunday was one of those special Sundays where the community has a strong participation in the Liturgy and a great generosity of spirit.

At the 10.00 Mass the children of the DTIM programme carried in the Palms and shouted Hosanna as did the children of Jerusalem 2000 years ago. Young people from the Reader’s Club were the voices in the solemn reading of the Gospel. There were also young people collecting the Easter Eggs for Crosscare , they thanked the donors, registered and stored the Easter Eggs. Incredibly there were 365 eggs, boxes of chocolates and chocolate bars for those who might need a little cheering this Easter. All types, shapes and forms of chocolate appeared in the Parish …  Crosscare collected them on Monday and expressed so much gratitude on behalf of their clients.

There was also a collection for Sunshine House (St Vincent De Pauls programme that organises holidays for children) which was very successful.

At the 12.00 Mass we had a most solemn and beautiful liturgy so beautifully enhanced by the choir.

And then in the afternoon we were blessed by “Listen, Sing, Reflect” a contemplative beginning to the Holy Week. Those who assisted were stunned by the beauty of the voices in harmony with the harp, violin and flute. The silence in the Church was a testament to the impact that the Hymns and Readings had on the assistants.

On Tuesday evening many elements came together for the Reconciliation service. The choir, the reading of the Gospel and the conscience exam, the beautifully decorated Church and the prominent place of the “Prodigal Son” created a solemn and serene atmosphere for all those who came forward to confess their sins. In this way so many reached the end of their Lenten journey by “coming back to God with all their heart”


The Rose Window in Notre Dame that was saved from the fire.


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