Yes, Lent has come around again. It was a busy time of preparation.
No Al…..ias will be said during the 40 days of Lent. The children buried
them in a secret place near the altar at the Family Mass.
The Stations of the Cross were restored to their place around the walls of
the Church and are an invitation to reflect and pray during these weeks of
spiritual renewal. They required a lot of dedicated cleaning and
rehabilitation and hopefully will stay in place for another 20 years.
(Thank you Alma)
You will also notice a different colour in the sanctuary … and the flowers
have gone on strike. All these details tell us something about this time of
year and contributed to the prayerful atmosphere around the parish on Ash
Wednesday on which our schools joined us for the distribution of the ashes.
Other things were going on behind the scenes. Thankfully the damage done to
the ceiling during the last storm was quickly fixed. It must be noted that
thanks to the safety- sense of members of the Altar society and Ushers
there were no injuries or further damage.
On Wednesday, the Finance committee had its meeting and continues to ensure
that all the administrative checks and balances are in place as well as
overseeing the implementation of the new Diocesan Admin/ Finance programme.
It was also the night the Readers club met for their monthly get together
preparing readings and sharing pizza and having a good time.