This Week:
Matthew’s Gospel tells us that our left hand mustn’t let our right hand know
what we are doing when we are caring for the needy (Mt.6,3) but we want you to have
a little peek at what the left hand is up to… last Sunday we gathered 140 bags of food
and other items for the Food Banks in Dublin minded by Crosscare. It was an
extraordinary response to the appeal. Thank you on behalf of all those who will benefit
over Christmas.
The Sunday 10.00 Mass also saw the sheep of the First Communion children
being moved closer to Bethlehem, and a most beautiful decoration of the Jesse Tree.
The Altar was bedecked with purple and the first candle of the Advent Crown was lit.
The suggestion box was opened and read; some very interesting ideas and
commentaries were received.
1. The Parish Carol Service will take place this Sunday afternoon at 16.00 hours.
2. The Ceremony of light will take place on Monday and Tuesday Nights for
confirmation children.
3. The ESB (Envelope Stuffing Brigade will gather on Monday and Tuesday in the
round room to prepare the Christmas Cards)