There was just so much going on……
On Friday evening Shane Ross T.D came to the Parish Bingo and helped to contribute to the fun.
On Saturday morning, President Michael D Higgins and his wife Sabina came to the parish in a personal capacity.
Also on Saturday we had a general meeting of volunteers and ministers as a first step towards a Parish assembly. The communications team explained some elements of the new parish website. We have 33 (and counting) different ways of serving in the Parish. Now isn’t that a wealth of talent and generosity?
On Saturday Night the Environmental Group (BEG) organised what can only be described as an inspiring appeal and reflection on our planet at “EARTH HOUR”. A lot of preparation and rehearsal went into this presentation and it will contribute to helping us answer the question Pope Francis posed in Laudato Si: “What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?
One of the highlights of this Sunday, the fourth of Lent, Mother’s Day was the participation of the children from Queen of Angels and St Olaf’s who will be making their confirmation this year. This Mass of the ‘Breath of Life” illustrates their maturity in their roles in the Church. This Mass also included the presentation of candidates for baptism at Easter.
On Monday night Brid Fitzgerald took on the mantle to explain next Sundays Gospel. The Scripture class has been a very positive feature of this year’s Lenten programme. There has been great participation and inspiration.
Geraldine Kelly has accepted to coordinate Youth Ministry in the Parish and so to help to impulse this important dimension of our parish life. The concern for youth in our Christian community has been expressed in many meetings and suggestions over the last few years.