• on 27th October, 2016

From Fr. Peter's Desk: 27th October 2016

Through these lovely autumn days the Parish has been as busy as ever.

You will have noticed improvements in the Pastoral centre, new plants
around the Tree of Mercy and the continued work on the gardens; this is all
thanks to the Maintenance and Garden teams who quietly go about their work.

The Confirmation Children from St. Olafs had their commitment Mass on
Sunday last and as maturing Christians they helped to organize the liturgy.

Continuing with the very ancient tradition the altar lists of the dead were
left in the porch of the church for families to avail of them. Some
families have remarked how the writing of the names, the inclusion on the
altar list of the dead and the exposition in the beautiful book of memories
every month is a consoling reminder of their loved ones and a true gesture
of faith.

The parish team undertook course on “Amoris Laetitia”, the Pope’s document
on the joy of love; focusing on spousal love.

There was also an introduction to the new prenuptial enquiry forms and
suggestions on how to engage (forgive the pun) couples in the preparation
for sacramental marriage. Priests and lay people from all over Ireland
enriched each other with the sharing of ideas and experiences.

*Questions that make you laugh:*
Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains?

*Francis Frase*
*“…true dialogue needs moments of silence in order to welcome the
extraordinary gift of the presence of God in our brother or sister.*.”
Pope Francis.

*Never Heard Better:*
*“The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the
day you find out why.”*
Mark Twain

*Website of the Week… WOW*

A lot of things happening around this time; but what do they mean?
Halloween, all Souls day, all Saints day… here are some websites that
might help and you might use them to explain to the kids.

All Saints:
All Souls:

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